Leadership is a Choice, Not a Rank
This is how disciples choose to lead Moral philosopher Matha Nussbaum explains that compassion is more than empathy. Empathy allows someone to imagine what the experience of the sufferer…
30 min
Bible Study
Facing Opposition
Biblical Examples of God’s Calling and the Real Responses of Both Sides Many of our blogs and resources are about helping you develop those you are discipling. But what about…
30 min
Bible Study
Committing to Commissioning
Most of us know The Great Commission – what most of us still struggle with is understanding what God is calling us to specifically in order to carry that out…
5 min
When Your Love Compels You to Go Through the Roof
How can we have a heart for people? By carrying them to the feet of Jesus. “We are chosen, to be holy and blameless before him in love; we are…
12 min
Teaching vs. Transference: A Maturity That’s Measurable
“As I think back to the early days of The Navigators, what Dawson was about was equipping people to reproduce. Now that is not the universally accepted definition of what…
5 min
Bible Study
How to Be More Like Jesus in Asking Questions
Are you ready to grow as a disciplemaker who asks good questions, like Jesus? This blog takes a look at a number of questions Jesus asked and invites you to…
5 min
The Art of Invitation
It sounds so simple on the surface, but the art of invitation is an incredibly difficult skill to master, especially if it doesn’t come naturally. As we’ve talked about discipleship,…
5 min
How We See, Understand, and Choose Evangelism
“This is what I know right then: the world is brokenhearted and full of suffering, and if you listen to what life needs instead of what you need from it,…
8 min
Managing Time: A Disciple’s Perspective
Many Christians struggle with making disciples. They feel busy, overwhelmed, and not qualified. We understand this struggle. That’s why we’ve poured 85+ years of experience and learning into creating a…
10 min
Go (Home) and Make Disciples
“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” -Mother Theresa School started this week, at least in our community. And as we think about the…
10 min