Spiritual Grandparenting
“You don’t really know how well you are at parenting until you see the third generation.” – Jerry White Psalm 78:3-4 says, “For he issued his laws to Jacob…
5 min

On Marriage, Disciplemaking and “the Disciplines”
We asked Leah Green, wife, mother, great-grandmother and co-leader of Marriage GetAway, all the discipleship questions you’ve been looking for real-life answers to! We have the great privilege to hear…
5 min

Ministry in Marriage
What does “ministry” look like in marriage? a guest blog post “Marriage Moment” with Terry and Leah Green We think that ministry in marriage begins with a heart of thankfulness…
3 min

Go (Home) and Make Disciples
“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” -Mother Theresa School started this week, at least in our community. And as we think about the…
10 min